Fabrics Galore and Quilting Store is hosting an introduction to EQ 7 with instructor David Gilleland.
Register early for these interesting sessions – with limited seats available.
First, we’ve scheduled a DEMONSTRATION of Electric Quilt 7 Quilt Design
Saturday, November 14th from 11am to 1pm at our Blairsville Georgia shop GET DETAILS HERE for the Demo Class in Blairsville GA
Mr. Gilleland will lead participants through a Demonstration of EQ 7:
Take your quilting into the computer age. Play with color, design and pattern ideas. Rotate or mirror blocks, recolor, and sashing, figure yardage, create borders (with the corners automatically calculated), generate accurate patterns and more with the click of a mouse. Many of the commands are what you are already familiar with from computers, phones and iPads.
Secondly, we’ve scheduled a Hands On class for more serious learners.
Saturday, December 12th from 11am to 2pm at our Blairsville Georgia shop. GET DETAILS HERE for the Hands On Class in Blairsville GA
This is a class very suitable for beginners, but more experienced quilters may also benefit from the hands on session.
Bring your computer with EQ 6 or 7 loaded and spend time exploring the program (or just come to watch). Design blocks, quilts and borders from scratch and from the EQ library.